Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chapter 19

Jenny loved Mega-Mart at midnight.  It was so quiet.  She didn't have to go around other people, or back up because they parked their carts in the middle of the aisle, blocking it. 

She looked into the cart.  Bedsheets, fabric softener, yarn, cat food, and laundry detergent.  She'd never bought the name-brand laundry tablets but Charlie swore they were great.  "After all the laundry you've done, I want to buy you some detergent."  She'd let him. 

She gazed at her husband, his blonde hair flipping forward into his eyes, wearing the navy polo and slacks she'd found him in.  Navy was a good color for Charlie, she thought, bringing out the blue in his eyes.  He paused at bread aisle, pushing the shopping cart, and cocked his head. 

Jenny tried to avoid bread these days.  She shook her head and they moved on. 

What was she doing.  What were they doing?  She'd left an uptight, rigid, legalistic jerk.  This guy was the man she married, a little seasoned with a nice dash of maturity.  He didn't want a divorce?  What did he want? 

Charlie held up a six-pack of bottled diet Dr Pepper.  She grinned as he loaded it and a few companions into the cart.  He bent over the Cokes, perked up, and began loading cases of canned Coke as well.  Huh. 

"Honey" he said absently.  "Could you get us another cart?  I need some more soda."  Good gracious.  With all that soda, no wonder he got migraines! 

She went off to get the cart.  Honey.  Something was up.  In the meantime, Jenny resolved to enjoy the good times. 

Charlie straightened up as he finished loading the soda into the shopping cart.  Mega-mart had offered a fantastic deal, better than the wholesale club, on soda.  He'd gotten a good supply and saved at least $20. 

He grinned at Jenny, fingering through the sugarfree drink mixes and tossing flavors into "her" cart.  Money he could spend on her. 

He'd taken a love language test, at the urging of Pastor Jim.   Giving gifts, and quality time.  He was getting both, at once. 

He asked Jenny, she paused for a moment, and said "Quality time".  That's what he'd figured.  How had she taken a love language test, though?  Facebook.  Of course. 

Any others?  They were pretty even, she replied.  Charlie indicated the dairy section, and she shook her head.  "I try not to cheat on work, if I can". 

Well, that was honest.  Charlie had to admire her morals.  Before he'd found Jenny's blog, he'd worried she had relapsed, gone off her meds for good, sleeping with every man in town.  He'd confided in his Dad, who's showed him her blog, along with a cheerful post about hairball treats and a vomiting Princess. 

He'd subscribed anonymously and read every update voraciously; wondering if it was legal to "stalk" his own wife.  He'd raged when he read her post about the mugging and posted photos of her bruises.  He'd wanted to crush the little slime who'd dared lay hands on his wife, and been humbled by her forgiveness, and prayer, for the attacker.  Reluctantly Charlie prayed for the kid, everyday, too. 

Pastor Jim had been thrilled.  "I think you really have a chance" he exclaimed "To make this work.  You've got your eyes on Jesus, both of you.    I'd love to meet her."  Charlie had to remind him of the cult.  "I doubt she'll want to see a church again, for a very long time." 

Jenny had headed over to the health and beauty section, and he followed her, pushing the heavy cart of soda.  He gritted his teeth and tried to appear manly. 

Charlie looked so cute, pushing the cart, Jenny thought.  She hoped he didn't pop a disk.  She blew him a teasing kiss and went down the female products aisle.  Charlie parked at the end of the aisle and waited. 

She threw a few items in the cart, unembarrassed.  They had lived together as man and wife for 8 years before he'd joined the cult.  He'd seen it all before. 

Charlie chuckled to himself as he noted the generic brands headed into Jenny's cart.  He wondered if she even thought about it anymore.  They'd been so poor while he'd been in college, she'd had to pinch every penny.  She had always bought generic brands if they "rated" and the name brands only as a last resort.  He smiled to see at least one name brand headed into her cart, and they moved on. 

"Soap"?   She shook her head.  "My Mom makes it now, I get all I want for free."  Charlie raised an eyebrow.  "I have a milk goat, she gets milk and I get free soap in return.  I put a bar of unscented in the shower for you." 

Charlie recalled the luxurious lather and sighed happily.  "I want to buy a few"  They discussed Mom's fragrance selections and moved on to the deodorant.  Charlie snatched up a stick of Old Spice.  "I know it's old fashioned, but you always liked it".  She smiled at him. 

"I always heard horror stories of men smothered in cologne, but you always had the perfect touch."  They grinned at each other, then Jenny blushed at the double meaning and looked away.  Charlie's hands tightened on the handle of the shopping cart.  It had been a long time. 

His phone rang, a nuclear alarm siren.  Charlie cursed. 

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