Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chapter 43

Jenny was very quiet as they walked back home, her arms swinging.  They stopped at the gas station and bought some cold drinks. 

Jenny looked around a little in the front window "I've always thought I'd love to get a job here.  The ultimate short commute, something I could do, and maybe a discount."  She brushed some hair out of her face and resecured her ponytail, sighing. 

Charlie tried, but he couldn't help but notice her body.  She was looking good, firm in all the right places, soft in others.  He sighed himself. 

"Are you looking for another job?" he asked with concern "I thought you were OK with the support check."   He held the door for her as she exited. 

Jenny took a long drink on her Diet Dr Pepper, thinking.  "Mr. Jackson's cut my hours at work.  Health care." She made a sour face, picking up her pace.  Charlie remembered her nearly running on more than one occasion, when she was upset.  "I lost the other job, which I was using for my emergency fund.  The grocery store pays my day to day and that's been cut.  I need something." 

Jenny looked at Charlie, sideways.  He looked good as always, a few lines in his forehead as he listened.  He brushed his thick blonde hair back as she continued talking.  "I won't ask you for more money.  I can live on my own, I've proved it.  I don't nee..." 

"Jen." Charlie spoke gently but firmly, cutting her off.  "Jenny!"  She stopped talking and gaped at him. 

"Remember my employee?  He went to prison.  I'm sick of letting strangers handle my money."  Jenny took a deep breath.  Surely he wouldn't.... "How would you like to work for me?  You have a great visual memory, hard worker, great customer service.  If I found you off the street I'd hire you."  Jenny opened her mouth to object.  "I'll provide the transport.  I just need help filling my machines.  Please.  I don't want to get ripped off again." 

Charlie winced as he recalled the wad of cash he'd recieved.  "Sorry man."  His employee had said "It was just too easy.  This is about half of it." 

Jenny thought it out as she walked home, opened and closed the gate, and let Princess into the trailer.  The poor cat really missed her cat door.  Jenny sat on the loveseat. 

"When can I start?" 

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